Deran Wright
Myths and Fantasy in bronze

The WoodFaeries haunt the Adirondacks, bronze sculptures by Deran Wright

The WoodFaeries haunt the Adirondacks, bronze sculptures by Deran Wright

The WoodFaeries haunt the Adirondacks, bronze sculptures by Deran Wright

The WoodFaeries haunt the Adirondacks, bronze sculptures by Deran Wright
The Frolicking Pixies

A bronze sculpture of an aspect of Artemis, the goddess of the moon and the hunt, by Deran Wright

A bronze sculpture of an aspect of Artemis, the goddess of the moon and the hunt, by Deran Wright

A pair of Gryphons
The Greenman

The spirit of the woods has his eyes on you

A bronze sculpture of a greenman, an old world forest spirit

The spirit of the woods has his eyes on you
Charon, the Ferryman


A sculpture in bronze of the boy who flew too close to the sun... by Deran Wright

A sculpture in bronze of the boy who flew too close to the sun... by Deran Wright
Lone Star Leprechuans

A pair of Leprechaun sculptures, loitering near a private golfcourse

A pair of Leprechaun sculptures, loitering near a private golfcourse

A pair of Leprechaun sculptures, loitering near a private golfcourse
Celtic Myths

The Celtic god Cernunnos, a bronze sculpture and torch by Deran Wright

The Celtic goddess Brigid, a bronze sculpture and torch by Deran Wright

The Celtic god Lugh, a bronze sculpture and torch by Deran Wright

The Celtic god Cernunnos, a bronze sculpture and torch by Deran Wright
The Sentinel
Greenman fountain
Fairy Tag

Bronze fairies at play, by Deran Wright

Bronze fairies at play, by Deran Wright
Dragon Recurvent
The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse